When are words just words, and when do words force action? Linguistic J.L. Austin divided words into two categories: constatives (words that describe a situation) and performatives (words that incite action). However, performatives depend on context and reception. These are known as felicity conditions (rules under which the performative can be enacted). The performative should:
- have proper authority
- be understood
- be clear
- be able to be executed
TED-Ed (2013) Speech acts: Constative and performative - Colleen Glenney Boggs. Retrieved from TED-Ed. Last visited: June 2nd, 2020. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgmpbXIGpcc&feature=youtu.be
In this case, the ICT tool used is Youtube. I haven't realized the importance of this tool until now, that we're in a lockdown, and I had to appeal to this way of communicating to deliver my English lessons. I have to say I find it extremely useful and catching. You can upload any kind of video ,edited or recorded by you; and send it to whoever you want. I have discovered a completely new world in here and it's absolutely awesome all the material we, as teachers, can encounter.
As regards the content and relation to teaching, I believe it's an interesting as well as rich subject to be dealt with. Many ideas to meet this content in real-life situations come to my mind. I consider it an important issue to work on with students.
Be vareful with LANGUAGE:
ResponderBorrar"...it's absolutely awsome all the material..." IT never anticipates a NOUN PHRASE.
"As regards the content..."
"ISSUE" ???
ResponderBorrar-"I have discovered a completely new world in here. The amount of material available and at hand for teachers is endless and absolutely awesome."
-"Regarding content and its relation to teaching, I believe..."
-"...an important TOPIC..."